“ Approaching The City ” by Vger

Vger est un brillant compositeur français qui est à l’avant‐garde de la musique électronique et new age ces dernières années. Sa musique a été énormément influencée par différentes cultures ethniques à travers le monde, rendant sa musique unique en soi. Tout au long de sa carrière, Vger a collaboré avec de nombreux autres musiciens, l’amenant à produire ses propres albums véritablement originaux et créatifs.
Son dernier projet « THE DARK CITY » vient de sortir et fait déjà le buzz. S’inspirant de la relation entre l’image et la musique, Vger a créé ce qui promet d’être un album exceptionnel. Sa vision est simple mais profonde : toute musique commence à partir de images et chaque son raconte une image qu’il souhaite que l’auditeur imagine.


Vger is a brilliant French composer who has been at the forefront of electronic and new age music for the past few years.His music has been hugely influenced by different ethnic cultures around the world, making his music unique in its own right.Throughout his career, Vger has collaborated with many other musicians, leading him to produce his own albums that are truly original and creative.
His latest project « THE DARK CITY » has been released now and is already making waves.Taking inspiration from the relationship between images and music, Vger has created what promise to be an exceptional album.His vision is simple yet profound – all music starts from images and each sound tells an image he wants the listener to imagine.

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How does our campaign work?

We will add articles of our active artists in a Rotating Campaign. This means the artists with active orders will receive more or less an exposure every 20 hours until we reach your order target. ( Some hours of a day will be normal see your music is not receiving exposure )