“ Ode à la terre ” by Oktoecho

Under the artistic direction of of the Lebanese-Canadian composer Katia Makdissi-Warren and Inuit throat singer Lydia Etok, Oktoécho is a flexible ensemble (ranging from 3 to 30 musicians) specializing in the fusion of Middle Eastern, Indigenous, and Western music. Oktoécho creates original Quebec works while exploring an aesthetic that embodies a world where the fusion of various traditions transcends boundaries. Oktoecho is founded in 2001 ans is in residence at the Maison de la Culture Ahuntsic since 2010,

Oktoécho has recorded 7 soundtracks for documentaries in Quebec, France, Winnipeg, Singapore, Korea, for TedX Beirut, for the Singapore Museum, and created the original soundtrack for the tallest Khalifa tower in Dubai (9 original pieces for 22 instruments), which plays continuously during the tower tour exhibition.

Oktoecho has performed at the prestigious Beiteddin Festival in Lebanon in front of 5,000 people, and at Koerner Hall in Toronto. Oktoécho toured Morocco in 2017 performing concerts with Les Violons du Roy. Oktoécho also toured South America, Europe and Canada.

In Quebec, OktoEcho has performed at events such as the Festival du Monde Arabe de Montréal, the Festival Présence Autochtone, the Festival Séfarade de Montréal, Festival Internationaux des Musiques Sacrés de Québec, the Festival de Musique Juive, la Virée Classique Orchestre Symphonique de Montréal, Festival Traditions du Monde Sherbrooke.

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We will add articles of our active artists in a Rotating Campaign. This means the artists with active orders will receive more or less an exposure every 20 hours until we reach your order target. ( Some hours of a day will be normal see your music is not receiving exposure )