From the Artist Brad Thorn Listen to this Fantastic Spotify Song Hard Times

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Based in Southern Indiana, Brad Thorn is a musician whose imaginative melodies and heartland imagery evoke the great artists of the golden age of singer/songwriters. With the moody atmospheres of Pink Floyd, and the everyman observations of John Mellencamp, Thorn occupies a unique place in the modern music world, singing songs of resilience in the face of tragedy and hope for a better tomorrow. 
 Following the dissolution of his previous band Earshow in 2012, Thorn found himself at a crossroads. He was tentative about working as a solo artist, but inspiration came quickly as he finished his first few songs. It immediately became apparent to him that he was onto something special, and he decided to write an entire album. By the time he put his pen down, he had written enough new songs to fill eight albums. He chose a handful of his favorite songs, and turned them into his debut album “Insight.” 
 From the moody opening groove of ‘Hard Times’ to the shimmering melancholy of ‘Never Be The Same,’ Thorn’s debut proves he was always destined to be a solo artist. His strengths as a songwriter on full display, his lyrics painting pictures of endless highways and prairie skies while telling stories of love found and lost. If “Insight” is any indicator, Thorn may one day be counted amongst the best songwriters of his genre.