From Spotify Artist Mendez Machin Listen to the amazing song: YTu

Born in Havana, Cuba, Mendez Machin (Noel Mendez) is an American author and musical artist who has spent most of his life traveling. At the age of 15, Noel began his journey as a freelance writer, having his articles and short stories published across Latin America. In the years following, he won several poetry contests. In 1994, his book, Dejàvu was published by the National University of La Pampa, Argentina. Soon after, he was invited by the Argentinean government to teach at the university, and three years later he self-published his first epistolary novella, Cuba y la noche, in Buenos Aires.

During the late 90’s, he worked as a proofreader and copywriter for one of the most relevant advertising agencies of Buenos Aires. In 2001, he moved to the U.S. and began working as a Spanish Editor for Medios Magazine, the voice of WAN-IFRA in the Americas. Noel later devoted his writing efforts to major educational publishing companies such as Pearson Education and Houghton-Mifflin Harcourt, developing bilingual educational materials such as Journeys / Senderos TE, Cold Reads, and many others. In 2012, he moved to Boston to work on several writing projects for Pearson Assessments and Instruction. He continued teaching in Boston Public Schools while also completing his Master in Arts of Education.

While much of his writing has gone to workbooks and pieces of assessment, Mendez Machin continues to write music and stories for entertainment. His novel, The Ancestor in The Mirror was published in 2020, and his next novel is underway.

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