From Spotify Artist Gaby Rhythm Listen to the amazing album: DIFFERENT

Gaby Rhythm grew up as one of 4 children in Germany. She was educated as an Economic Correspondent in Heidelberg and worked as a self-employed Computer Broker. She raised 2 children as a single parent after divorce. In 1998 she started as a background vocalist at M.G.Beringer Band, and later with Smokey Revival Band. A few years later she joined the Rock’n Roll Band “Eis-am-Stil” on lead vocals and rhythm guitar. Once her kids were grown, she studied guitar at the Jazz Music School in Germany, being taught by the likes of David Becker (American Jazz Guitarist, Ohio) and Rolf Busalb (Tour Guitarist Nigel Kennedy/ Royal Albert Hall). This was the start of a new life as a guitarist & songwriter. For many years she has been, and continues, to teach guitar. In 2018, she released her first single, ‘You Never Get Ready’; several singles, her first album ‘The Champions Are Here’, and several music videos followed.

In 2020, she was signed to the Label & Artist Relations Associate (US) VYDIA Inc. and since 2021 has a VEVO account. In 2022 Starline Seminare (partner of Tony Robbins Events) supported the production of her new Album, ‘Different’, due for release 21st January, 2023. Gaby has also published her book “Frozen Shoulder” (2018 in German, 2020 in English), about her recovery from this condition, in order to help other sufferers.

Gaby Rhythm gaining traction in recent years, and we think now is the perfect time to discover the unique sound Gaby Rhythm bring to the table.

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