From Spotify Artist Ozi Jarel Listen to the amazing music

Ozi Jarel is a Brisbane-based creator of Ugandan and Sudanese descent who believes art can bridge the divide between his multi-ethnic community.

To inspire a change of paradigm in future generations, Jarel explores the pros of his ancestors through rhythm and intricate word-play.

On his journey to master the crafts of music, poetry and Architecture he continues to share his thoughtful artistry around the world, painting a timeless picture in the minds of the listeners and the souls of the hearers.

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Are you musician? Below something that interests you

Are you a musician who dreams of having their music heard all over the world? Then you’ve come to the right place! In this blog post, we’ll talk about how to make your music go viral on Spotify.

It takes more than just luck to make your music go viral, but with the right combination of strategy and creativity, you can achieve your dreams of success.

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