La Pace Interiore by composer Enzo De Rosa

La Pace Interiore (Inner Peace) is an original composition project created by composer Enzo De Rosa.

The narrative explores different types of peace, delving into varying perceptions of the same sentiment in different places and situations.

From inner peace to that found in nature, from peace arising from conflict or mourning, to the feeling experienced in solitude in the dark or amidst a forest, while gazing at the sky through branches and leaves or watching children play in a park. It’s an emotional and sonic journey aimed at resonating with and evoking in the listener the desire for reconciliation with oneself and the profound longing for reunification inherent in human essence.

Enzo De Rosa’s partner in bringing this project to life is cellist Cecilie Gruebler. Their shared taste for refined and elegant phrasing, deep and intense communication, provide the perfect soil to give the compositions a unique and engaging flavor.