Nigerian Lagos-born artist. Currently a student at the University of Nottingham. Made this track from his college dorm room. Loves music and started it in 2021. Currently 21 years old. Love chess and anime. Have an obsession with music which fun fact: my mum disliked because it made me to go whole days without eating anything. I have the ability to learn and evolve and hope to continuously make better music. I’m more of a hip hop artist because that’s the genre I try to make most of the time but I had a random inspiration for this track which sounds more pop than hip hop. I do my best to break people’s expectations. I hope to release an album called A Burnt Perspective which is a sequel to my previous album A Crossed Perspective which will show the amount of growth I’ve had in a year in context of delivering something of better quality. I write, produce and even engineer everything myself. I hate having to do promotions but here we are. In terms of the music I hope to give people a different experience. A lot of music doesn’t have one bit of originality. I make use of inspiration, but I always do my best to give it a twist. For example, this track draws inspiration from the flow used by Drake on Sticky, as well as Kendrick and Baby Keem on The hillbillies. But it’s on a different sounding track. It’s great to bring all my influences into one bowl and deliver a different type of cereal. I believe music is very powerful, almost like a drug to me and I hope to use it to inspire people that may hopefully, one day discover my music. To make them say, “I’ve never seen an individual like this. I should probably stay true to myself and my ideals”. I’m very family oriented which is why I make mention of praying for my family’s safety as well as my friends. The world is going crazy and apart from the music, these might be the only set of people with the power to keep me sane. I hope this isn’t too much, I just let my thoughts run wild because this is a blog post and not a normal intro on a radio station.
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