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Still Eighteen is a Canadian alt-rock band consisting of a dad, mom & daughter rocking the world!”

“That’s right, they’re a family band. But if you’re expecting warm ’n’ fuzzy, sing-songy tunes, you can ditch that image — and replace it with one where Jack and Meg White of the White Stripes have a badass baby that grows up to join them. The family that plays together SLAYS together.” Darryl Sterdan of “Tinnitist” – former national music critic for Sun Media

Along with their unique story, the band has a unique sound – think David Bowie meets Pixies.

Still Eighteen shows & music ROCK – that’s why Still Eighteen was chosen out of thousands of bands to perform a 50-minute set of their originals at a music festival featuring Aerosmith, Alice Cooper, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Kid Rock, Billy Idol, and other legends.

Still Eighteen is an excellent, excellent band” Steve Van Zandt’s Channel, SiriusXM

The band has been rocking stages in Europe with their multiple European tours & has signed a record & touring deal with European label ON Stage Group. Still Eighteen’s debut album will be released on their label (also on vinyl) at the end of 2023!

Please “follow” the band to be the first to hear the new album!

“We hope you enjoy the music – ROCK ON!” Still Eighteen