From Spotify Artist Quota Listen to the amazing song: u&i

The young artist Quota has meet a substantial amount of recognition around the world, most notably with his song “Options (Other)” gaining a measly 200,000+ streams across platforms! He constantly proves people wrong with learning new techniques with his music and trying to create new sounds. Although Quota has said “I have not yet perfected my craft nor sound. Doing everything independent is really hard. I’ve been doing music for the past year alone with nothing but my notes on my phone, microphone, and computer.”

Quota tells us his creative mindset when it comes to making music. He told us how everything being done independent is “One of the best yet most frustrating things about making music.” Although he may not have the idea to constantly make music as a career he proceeds to exceed his own expectations. “I’ve noticed young artist now days, being someone’s who’s young and still learning, has realized it’s not about satisfying the people but instead satisfying yourself. Yeah sure, you need to make music that grabs an audience but it’s not the same if you don’t enjoy it.”

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