From Spotify Artist Mark Owi Listen to the amazing song: Bebe

For so many persons, without good misc, life appears empty. No doubt, soul-lifting music renews hope and put smiles on the faces of the distressed.

In a world where love seems failing and abused, a fast rising superstar and vocalist, Mark Owi has released his second single under the oasis of Osas Vision Music (OVM) titled “BEBE” to save love from the verge of collapse.

This masterpiece is a tune that is set to rekindle love flames, reassures lovers of their commitment to love and celebrate true love.

This song will make you go head over heels for the one you love and give hope for eternity love if you’re on a search for one.

It has already hit the airwave with a sort of bang. Since it was released, it has become a sought-after for many music lovers in Nigeria and beyond.

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