From Spotify Artist Lucius Echo Listen to the amazing song: Break Stuff

Lucius Echo (Nicholas King) was born in 1996 and grew up living between Newburgh, IN, Henderson, KY and Louisville, KY. His love of music and all things “different” and “unique” was a bit overshadowed in his early years by his hyper-energy, love of having fun, not liking to go to bed without multiple discussions along with the tendency to not complete school assignments!:) As he got older however, his love of music, art, parkour, free running, storytelling, martial arts among many other things started to manifest. However, this again was overshadowed by his diagnosis with T1D at the age 12 and subsequent teenager battles with himself, others, self-esteem, A1C, medications, drugs, psychiatric crisis, homelessness and relapses.

During this time, he quietly was immersing himself in different art forms to help self-identify, cope and manage an inability to function day to day as most would expect of him. Quietly, he learned to write songs, create music and become enamored with different genres. Hopsin, Token, OmenXIII, Billie Holiday, Thrice, Frank Sinatra, George Winston, XXXTentacion are some he has found inspiration from. Whether it be Hip Hop, R&B/Soul, Rock, Spoken Word, his evolution as an artist continues which has greatly helped him understand himself and manage his times of depression, psychosis, anxiety and sobriety. The goal he has for others that listen to his creations are best described in his own words. “…my only hope is that you grow to develop a better understanding of yourself and the reality you glide, stride, or trudge through, and find or continue to discover a deep and personal relationship with who you are as an individual and either gather or retain the capacity to accept yourself for who you are. At the same time, never forget that you have a place in this world and figure out the best way to interact with it for YOU. Above all I wish you peace, love, and understanding.”

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