From Spotify Artist LocaLgnd<3 Listen to the amazing song: Other Side

LocaLgnd<3, an artist unparalleled by anyone. This Orlando native was engulfed in the music of greats from different genres. As a kid he started writing in elementary school but didn’t start making songs until he got into high school when he and Randy Santos started their collective “OG Records”.

He uses this to cultivate the sound that he has made his own. He started his music career with his Mixtapes “Day After Tomorrow”, “Woke Up to A Sunset” and “A Project You Shouldn’t be Hearing” all three reflect his life as he tells his listeners about things he’d never thought to discuss.

It’s that level of transparency as an artist that draws people to his music more and more. Last year he bestowed two great bodies of work onto the world’s ears. “I’ll See You After the Party” and “Loyal to Myself Forever Vol.1”. Each Project has a unique sound and message it conveys but, regardless of if he’s telling you a story (Ellery Lane Demo) or exercising his braggadocios bars (Go Out Lit) he gives you a piece of himself each time.

The ability to be extremely vulnerable and experimental are just two of the many superpowers he uses in his music. Fusing elements of Hip Hop, R&B, EDM, Rock and even Jazz at times. Each record is just him peeling back a different layer for his fans to see. His main focus in his career is to be timeless and Make Great Music.

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